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What if PMDD

isn’t the

“big mystery”

that Western medicine

makes it out to be?


What if PMDD is actually well-understood and easily treated,


and has been easily treated for thousands of years?


Would you be a little angry?

Honestly, I was.

I suffered for YEARS when there is gentle, natural medicine that balances your body’s systems to create long-term health and well-being.


I looked for years and finally found the answer.


The search is over, because there IS a way to treat PMDD naturally, without relying on harmful medications that only mask symptoms and which you can’t stop taking until menopause.

We created a whole system for you so you can take control of your health.


But we didn’t stop at just a book!

You get a whole system to create your own customized holistic, natural Ayurvedic healing plan!









A comprehensive guide to understanding and treating PMDD from an Ayurvedic perspective.

Get an in-depth diagnosis of your 3 doshas balance, digest fire (agni) strength, and toxin load (ama).

Get the data you need on your body, habits, and lifestyle to ensure long-term success in your health transformation goals.

30-minute 1:1 consultation with Dr. Nesari to review your dosha balance results, provide recommendations, and answer questions.

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Ayurvedic medicine has been treating PMDD successfully for thousands of years.


We created a quiz, book, and tracking system to make it easy for you to understand

your body and create your own customized holistic health program with the help


of   Dr. Nesari.

Ayurveda for PMDD: 

A Guide to Lasting, Holistic Healing

for Your Unique Body

By Dr. Malhar Nesari

Forward by Jessica Mathieu


Why Ayurveda for PMDD?

Ayurveda, the science of life, looks beyond the symptoms to the root causes of the imbalances in the body and mind that cause disease. Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, Ayurveda recognizes your unique constitution and offers tailored remedies that align with your individual needs. This book will introduce you to:

Holistic Understanding: Learn how Ayurveda's comprehensive view of health can help you understand the intricate web of physical, emotional, and spiritual factors that contribute to PMDD.

Natural, Lasting Solutions: Discover the power of herbal treatments, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes that work in harmony with your body's rhythms, offering relief without the side effects commonly associated with conventional medications.

Empowerment Through Self-Care: Gain insights into Ayurvedic practices that empower you to take control of your well-being through self-awareness, routine, and the healing power of nature.

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Explore techniques to strengthen your mental and emotional resilience, including meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises, which are pivotal in managing the mood swings and emotional distress characteristic of PMDD.


I am Dr. Malhar Nesari, an accomplished Ayurvedic doctor with a Masters degree in

Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Medicine. With a passion for holistic healing, I specialize in empowering individuals to achieve optimal health through the time-tested principles of Ayurveda.

My journey in the field of Ayurveda began with a profound dedication to understanding the intricate balance of the body, mind, and spirit. With a deep knowledge of Ayurvedic pharmacology and medicine, I have dedicated my practice to enhancing the well-being of individuals in various areas. 

In the realm of women’s health, I offer personalized Ayurvedic solutions to address the

unique needs of women at every stage of life. Based on my experience most women’s health issues are easily treatable by addressing the core physiology of the body, with a personalised plan tailored according to each patient’s case. Whether it’s a hormonal imbalance, PMDD, PCOS, thyroid malfunction, or something else, my approach is rooted in Ayurvedic principles tailored to each individual.

Drawing upon the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, I provide comprehensive guidance for

managing and preventing metabolic imbalances. Through personalized lifestyle modifications and Ayurvedic interventions, I aim to restore harmony to the body’s natural rhythms.

Holistic, lasting PMDD relief might be a lot closer than you think…


And that’s why we wrote this book together.


We wanted to make this knowledge accessible and available to anyone who needs it!


But don’t just take our word for it. Dr. Nesari has run his clinic in Pune since 2015, and here is what other women have said about his care for women’s health:


Hi, I’m Jessica Mathieu, co-author of this book with Dr. Malhar Nesari. I was where you probably are now (if you’re reading this!). In about 2015, I realized that PMDD was destroying my life. Wild mood swings between total rage and despair, along with disabling major depression and week-long migraines made my life impossible. 


So I started looking for solutions.

But I couldn’t find much beyond “take birth control or an antidepressant.” My doctor gave me the Mirena IUD and that offered some welcome relief for about 2 years. 


Unfortunately, the relief started fading and I really missed being in tune with my womb and body. I hated suppressing my body’s communication and I wanted to find a natural way to heal what was clearly very wrong with my health. 

So I went off the birth control and had the expected couple years of hell as I tried different solutions. Finally, I found Dr. Nesari who I’ve been working with for the past year. Despite traveling a lot and going for months on and off with his treatments and coaching, I finally had my first NATURAL symptom-free month last year, and it has continued going strong! 

My success treating my PMDD with Dr. Nesari inspired me to want to share this knowledge with ANYONE suffering from PMDD and being told that it’s a mystery and also hard to treat. It’s not–at least it’s not hard for an Ayurvedic practitioner!

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